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What Do We Do?
Providing Support, Outreach, and Prevention
to at-risk Youth and the Foster Care Community!
What is a Ministry?
min-is-try: is defined as:
A person or group that devotes oneself to helping, serving, or caring for those in need.
What is Our Mission?
To improve outcome for at-risk and foster placed youth, resource families, and supporting agencies through meaningful programs and community partnerships.
How Do We Do This?
We mobilize our local community to establish partnerships and programs to provide support, outreach, and prevention services within Virginia communities. While ensuring each child entering foster care is provided a Journey Bag, in place of an often-used trash bag. While partnering with our First Responders we are able to provide resource families with immediate needs upon placement. We equip resource families with trauma-informed education to ensure connections and community. We support local resource family social workers as well as social-service prevention programs to help keep families together whenever possible.
* Click FLM Programs on the drop-down menu above for more information about our programs*

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