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Foster / Resource Parent Suport
Being a Foster Parent can be scary, daunting, rewarding and fulfilling. Foster Love Ministries was created to help support the WHOLE life of the foster-child and that includes YOU, the foster/resource parent. FLM offers support and outreach in many ways to resource families; things like, journey bags for the child when they enter your care, emergent needs you might have to ensure a comfortable transition for the child and your family, regular support CARE meetings where we offer free child care, dinner for both adults and children as well as trauma informed education that can be used towards your continuing education hours with SVSS and HRSS. Below are some other resources that may be useful for you to find out more information about fostering, or information you might need if you already are a foster / resource parent.
FLM Quarterly Newsletter
Want to keep up with what we're doing at FLM? Sign up for our quarterly newsletter sent directly to your e-mail!
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